Baofeng BF-888s Programmierung
Ich benutze zum Programmieren der Baofeng BF-888s Handfunkgeräte ein USB Programmierkabel und ein Windows PC.
Als erstes muss der Serial Treiber installiert werden. Siehe dazu Kurzanleitung:
- Create a new work Folder on your PC.
- Download the Prolific driver file and save it to the work folder.
- Remove the USB programming cable from your PC.
- Double-click the file that was saved into the work folder and follow the prompts until it is completely installed.
- Plug the USB programming cable into the USB port of your PC.
- You should see a balloon popup that says "Installing device driver software"
- Installing Device Driver
- A few seconds later you will get a balloon popup that says "Device driver software was not successfully installed"
- Installing Device Driver
- Launch Device Manager.
- [ Start | Right-click Computer | Properties | Device Manager ]
- Failure, you will see one of the following errors in Device Manager.
- In 'Other Devices' the 'USB-Serial Controller' is proceeded by a YELLOW warning.
- In 'Ports (COM & LPT)' the 'Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port (COMx)' will appear.
- Right-click on the entry with the error to open a window and select
"Update driver software..."
- Failure
- At the first Update Driver Software prompt, select "Browse my computer for driver software".
- At the second Update Driver Software prompt, select "Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer"
- At the third Update Driver Software prompt, scroll down and select "Ports (COM & LPT)".
- At the fourth Update Driver Software prompt, select "Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port Version: [7/31/2007]".
- You should get a prompt saying that the driver was installed successfully.
- You should now see a properly installed Prolific driver in Device Manger.
- Success
- You can check that the correct version is installed by double-clicking on the Prolific entry in device manager and selecting the Driver tab.
- The driver version shown should be v3.2.0.0
- Success
- Remove the USB programming cable from your PC and then plug the USB programming cable back in.
Als nächstes wird die Programmiersoftware installiert:
In der Software die Programmierdatei Datei:Baofeng pmr.dat laden und die Konfiguration auf das Gerät schreiben.