Wordpress / Woocommerce
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Um Änderungen testen zu können, wird ein Testsystem benötigt, welches exakt dem Abbild des Live-Systems entspricht. Dazu kann das Wordpress Plugin WP Staging verwendet werden.
Installation und Konfiguration
- Plugin WP Staging installieren
Klonen Prod > Test
Migrieren Test > Prod
- Put your website in maintenance mode.
- Install plugin”WooCommerce Sequential Order Numbers” on production and staging site.
- Install plugin “Order Export & Order Import for WooCommerce” on production and staging site.
- Export WooCommerce orders from the production site.
- Delete all orders on the staging site.
- Import orders into the staging site.
- Push the staging site to the production site.
Ausführliche Anleitung: https://wp-staging.com/docs/skip-woocommerce-orders-and-products/