Wordpress / Woocommerce

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Um Änderungen testen zu können, wird ein Testsystem benötigt, welches exakt dem Abbild des Live-Systems entspricht. Dazu kann das Wordpress Plugin WP Staging verwendet werden.

Installation und Konfiguration

  • Plugin WP Staging installieren

Klonen Prod > Test

Migrieren Test > Prod

  1. Put your website in maintenance mode.
  2. Install plugin”WooCommerce Sequential Order Numbers” on production and staging site.
  3. Install plugin “Order Export & Order Import for WooCommerce” on production and staging site.
  4. Export WooCommerce orders from the production site.
  5. Delete all orders on the staging site.
  6. Import orders into the staging site.
  7. Push the staging site to the production site.

Ausführliche Anleitung: https://wp-staging.com/docs/skip-woocommerce-orders-and-products/