Youtube download

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Downloaden von einzelnen Videos oder ganzen Playlists als mp3 konvertiert:

youtube-dl -i -c --extract-audio --audio-format mp3 -o "%(title)s.%(ext)s" Updaten von youtube-dl:

youtube-dl -U

Downloaden mit Cookie:

  • In your web browser, login to Facebook as normal
  • Open Developer Tools (F12)
  • Reload the page
  • In Developer Tools, switch to the Network tab and scroll up to the first request
  • Right click the first request and select Copy as cURL
  • Paste the cURL command line into a text editor and look for the cookie header information. You're looking for the part directly that looks like -H 'cookie: <...>'. Copy everything within the quotes.
  • From a terminal, run youtube-dl, adding the cookie information using --add-header :

    <code>youtube-dl "<url-of-facebook-video>" --add-header '<cookie-header-from-curl>'
